Path to Poznan 7 – The Journey
To be honest this event has come around quicker than I expected. The final month of prep has coincided with an extremely busy work period and some up and down family issues that have rightfully pushed back my cycling life quite a bit. Now with just over a week to go, I start to think if I have done enough, have I trained hard enough, am I good enough, what will the standard of competition be like, will I be in the mix or will I be cannon fodder.
Then I remember.
I am not a professional or even an elite rider. Nope, I am a father and an entrepreneur getting on in years who rides a bike because I love the journey – not only the race itself, but the path to get to the race. Juggling family, multiple businesses with training and general life is all part of this journey. The training provides a release from the other pressures, something that remains constant every day knowing I have to go out and do certain rides no matter if I feel like it or not.
So as I put the bike in the case, pack the bags and head for Europe I am focused on the race at hand – I want to do well, but I also know that if things don't work out, then there will be another journey to take on.
Lets see how I get on.